Monday, January 31, 2011


Starbucks is one of the leading Fair Trade certified companies in the United States, as well as in the world. Their mission statement expresses high ethical values; one of their most respectable statements being: “It's our goal for all of our coffee to be grown under the highest standards of quality, using ethical trading and responsible growing practices. We think it's a better cup of coffee that also helps create a better future for farmers and a more stable climate for the planet.”

Starbucks raises relevant environmental concerns, and aspires to provide farmers with incentives to reduce the environmental impact of coffee production while simultaneously providing support centers and loan programs to their farmers in such countries as Costa Rica and Rwanda.

In addition, Starbucks is “committed to significantly reducing the waste [their] stores generate-especially when it comes to recycling”.

In 2010, 70% of Starbucks stores recycled at least one type of waste. Also, in 1997, they developed a recycled-content cup sleeve in order to prevent customers from “double-cupping” as well as to keep their hands from getting burned by their hot beverages. In 2006, they launched their first paper cups for hot beverages with 10% post-consumer fiber. Starbucks aspires to have recycling available in all of its stores as well as serve 25% of its beverages in reusable cups by 2015.

Seems like a realistic goal, judging by the company's previous accomplishments!
Apparently, Starbucks serves a great cup of coffee along with a strong commitment to maintaining corporate social responsibility- can't beat that!

1 comment:

  1. The impact of Starbucks on our community is crucial. Consumers everyday spend hundreds of dollars on a "quality" cup of coffee from the company. By focusing on creating a better environment when producing their coffee, Starbucks influences customers to trust their products and services. Having a strong commintment to maintaining CSR will definitely benefit the company and its consumers.
