The hotel industry provides employment to a very large proportion of part time workers, who after gaining substantial experience, leave for other lucrative jobs. Low wages in the hotel industry is one of the primary reasons for low retention rates.
Hotel industry Gurus are already thinking of ways to attract and retain qualified workers by increasing the pay scales and by reducing the long working hours. The top management is now devising constructive methods that will retain the existing workers by sponsoring education and creating attractive career paths.
One of the influential leaders in the hospitality industry is Arne Sorenson President/COO of Marriott International. Arne Sorenson changed a way on the technology business. Hotel‘s CEOs watched remote conferencing technology as a lucrative for group business. However Marriott chose to embrace it rather than fight with them. Sorenson said "If the threat's there, we can make sure we're participating in that space. Personally, I believe these technologies allow for more travel rather than less."
It's a good thing that hotel managers are considering increasing the pay for their employees, because it will surely attract more people to work for various hotels needing large staffs. And I doubt it would be too costly for them to increase their employees pay, especially since it will create a more humane work environment, and therefore better results in the long run.